Category Archives: courageous woman



September 28-October 2


Young Dr. Kate hurried down the dark streets of Hells Half Acre in Chicago. She had to free Bertha from the den before Blonger’s men get to her. Help me God. You know how afraid she is. But Bertha’s red light was out! Was she too late?

Based on a true story of the life of Dr. Katharine Bushnell 1855-1926

Free September 28 through October 2

She Has a New Dress


There are so many ways to describe her– a new color, a more mature look, a realistic presentation, a true story. I like the new dress because the story has not changed, but its outward appearance has.

Daughters of Deliverance has a new cover which introduces you to Katharine Bushnell and Ella Gilchrist. You’ll want to meet these two young Christian doctors of the 19th century who left to work in China right out of medical school. And one of them came home to Denver to die.

Book Two, The Queen’s Daughters, of this true story takes place in the British military barracks in India, Parliament in London,– and across the sea to the port city of San Francisco where our heroine exposes imprisoned girls trafficked from China.

Books available through Heritage Beacon and Amazon.

She is Safe


Today I’m writing about an organization which rescues girls and women from trafficking and helps them find a way of life God designed for them. This organization rescues girls caught in trafficking; provides a safe home and training for them after they are rescued. They also train mothers with job skills so that they are not tempted to sell their daughters as a source of income.

The short video attached to this message is a heart-breaking insight into what is happening to thousands of girls in India today. If you want to learn more about She Is Safe you’ll find their contact information at the end of the video.

Click here to watch the video: She Is Safe in India

I wrote historical fiction about Katharine Bushnell , a woman pioneer in the 19th century, who exposed what is today called trafficking. You can find Daughters of Deliverance and The Queen’s Daughters on Amazon.

Trafficking Awareness Month

Trafficking Awareness Month

Recently I was reminded that January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Let me update you with some of the unimaginable statistics–

  • $32 billion was made by traffickers last year.
  • 18.5 million slaves are in India, mostly women and children
  • 99% of all sex slaves are female.

Katharine Bushnell, the heroine of my last two books– Daughters of Deliverance and The Queen’s Daughters — was one of the early pioneers to expose the dire plight of women and #girls around the world. But she was not honored or thanked by her audiences. Victorian era women did not want to hear how cruelly their counterparts were treated , and most men refused to believe the truth.

In the nineteenth century Kate, as she is called in my books, courageously entered brothels, and chaklas (in India), to listen to the stories of the women held in sexual slavery. People were shocked to hear Kate’s stories–some even shamed her publicly for speaking about such things.

Today we have no excuse for our ignorance, for many Christian organizations are dedicated to preventing sex slavery and working to rescue girls wherever they can.

I plan to tell you more about those organizations in future blogs.You may want to start by reading Bushnell’s story of 19th century fearless activism to expose the growing subjugation of women and girls. Available on Amazon.

He will give His angels charge over you.

He will give His angels charge over you.

Babies. No matter how many grandchildren and great-grands I have, each one  weighs the same in my heart, whether boy or girl. So I can’t help sending out a heart-warming picture of my latest (21st) great grandchild, Mia Rae Robinson.  She’s only two and a half months old but her eyes are full of anticipation of all that’s ahead.  Every day she’s learning something new– or doing something different.  I haven’t seen her for a few weeks, and this picture surprises me. She’s holding her head up to make sure that she can take in all the world around her, with eagerness and expectation of what’s ahead.

Her mom and dad are doing all they know to set the right foundation.  Tomorrow she’ll be dedicated at their church into God’s care and protection; really mom and dad are dedicating themselves to bring her up in the love and teaching of the Lord. And her extended family, grandma and grandpas, ( her 90-year-old great grandmother!) and the Body of Christ gathered in the church tomorrow morning will be witnesses to their commitment — and will promise to help them when they see that they are struggling.

I just spent a good part of ten years reading, researching and writing about a woman who never had children of her own, but whose heart was broken to find so many forced on the wrong path. It gives me special joy to see this young Christian family promising to bring their daughter up,  bathed in the love of parents and family and fed by Word of God  at home and at church.

Katharine Bushnell was born more than 160 years ago. She and her eight brothers and sisters were brought up like Mia — whose loving, godly parents set the example and encouraged their children to walk righteously. Katharine became one of the early women  medical doctors in our country. She longed to help heal bodies, but as she became aware of the cruelty and suffering so many girls and young women went through, her passion was to free their souls from sin and evil.

She didn’t know that the scourge she valiantly sought to eradicate, would today become a global sickness. Trafficking has grown to be more lucrative than the drug trade. Even on the streets here in  Denver young girls are picked up and enticed into slavery.

I look into Mia’s sparkling, trusting eyes, and pray faithfully that she’ll always be safe in the love and care of her precious family and the protection of the Holy Spirit.

This the prayer that I pray over Mia and her family:

If you make the Lord your refuge; if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.  For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. Psalm 91:11,12

You can read the fascinating story of Katharine Bushnell’s life in “Daughters of Deliverance” and “The Queen’s Daughters” available on Amazon.








What people are saying :)

What people are saying :)

Like most of you, I find it hard to sell myself — or my creations. I sometimes even hesitate to hand out promotion about my books, like this clever,  three-fold business card my grandson designed. But in my heart I’m convinced that God encouraged me to write Katharine Bushnell’s story—and that many readers are blessed by her life and courageous work among trafficked girls and women in the Victorian era.

So here are a few unsolicited Amazon reviews from some of my readers:

Lorry Lutz eloquently narrates the story {in The Queen’s Daughters}of courageous Dr. Katharine Bushnell, who penetrated the realms of darkness that enslaved so many Indian & Chinese young girls in the Victorian era. Through her extensive research and creativity, Lorry articulately reveals the plight of vulnerable young girls sold into the sex slavery with no one to save them or defend them, and highlights the amazing transformation that can take place in their lives when a godly woman abandons the comforts of this world, trusts her Lord for the impossible, and reaches out to those who are hurting the most. Through her ups and downs, Dr. Bushnell has left a deep impact in my heart … This is a ‘must read’ for all who wish to see God’s justice lived out in our day.                            

I was pleased that the following reader caught Kate’s concern, not only about sexual slavery, but about the misunderstanding of how God intended women to be treated. Her insights into then, new ideas, about the role of women appear here and there—pointing to a surprising ending.

This is a fascinating historical book – Based on true facts. This is not a romance about a queen’s daughters. Instead this is about many things, but also about how the {British}GB soldiers were provided young girls in India for their pleasure. But there is only talk of how these men are amused with not talking of sex acts – but you can figure very easily what they went through…..Being a Christian, I also learned so much about how God really feels about women. The differences in the Hebrew words and how they are translated into English – is surprising.                                    

And the following reader also reminds you that  Daughters of Deliverance is followed by a sequel, The Queen’s Daughters.

I was thrilled with the release of The Queen’s Daughters a few weeks ago and couldn’t wait to get my hands on a copy after having read Lorry’s previous book (Daughters of Deliverance). Having become challenged with the courage and conviction of Dr. Katherine Bushnell I was eager to read more of her work on behalf of young girls caught in the sex trafficking trap. This book captivated me as I followed her travels throughout the world to fight for these women. 

You can submit your own review of one of these books (after you’d read them of course).It’s quite simple.  Just scroll down the page where you viewed or purchased the books on Amazon, and you’ll see on the bottom left hand side CUSTOMER REVIEWS.

IN A FEW DAYS MY TWITTER NAME WILL BE CHANGED TO @LorryLutz and a professional publicist  will be helping me gussy up the messages.- So Tweet me!

Blessed are the pure in heart

Blessed are the pure in heart

Emma, my ten-year-old great- granddaughter, can’t wait to read Great-grandma’s book.  When her mom brought the Daughters of Deliverance home, the smile on her face tells it all .  Ten might be a little young . Thankfully the concepts of trafficking and slavery are still beyond her, but I know she’ll admire my historical  heroine, Katharine Bushnell, and her  passion to rescue girls from evil.*

I love her sweet innocent face,  I’m thankful she’s growing up in a family where she’s loved and protected; where her big brothers would never allow anyone to hurt her; and where her parents teach her the Bible and pray for her  to grow up knowing God loves her.

One day she’ll find out that since Kate’s discovery and exposure of “white slavery” in the United States in the late 1800’s,  the tragic  practice has only grown worse.

There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today. According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which 80% are female and half are children. — Cortana

*Though the book deals with adult subjects, I’ve written Kate’s story without sordid details. In fact, Kate’s  faith and obedience to God as she finds herself in difficult situations, is what my readers are telling me challenges them  the most.









I think I figured it out tonight.

I’m booking my travel  for an exciting “trip-around-America ” arranged by my children for my 90th birthday, to visit all my family..  I started out in Phoenix last month, and tonight I scheduled flights to  go to Portland in April   and Chicago over the fourth of July.

Here’s where the mind began to deteriorate. In the intricate  (to me)selection  of points versus dollars (on South West  Airlines) I tried to figure out which leg of the flight would be cheaper –to use points or dollars? Jumping back and forth between schedules, I suspected SW was playing tricks on me.  Every time I scrolled back to the outgoing flight, the dollars seemed to be getting higher, and the points even worse.

I could feel my blood pressure rising.  I had to settle something quickly — and clicked PURCHASE  for the Portland booking.  Then on to Chicago. Of course prices would be higher over the fourth of July weekend, so I  grabbed the cheapest flight in the middle of the day and hit PURCHASE again.

Oh No!  I had booked my flight from Denver to Portland and to Chicago on the same day– same air time. and double the price.  Of course an old lady who has trouble getting out of chairs (soft, low ones of course) shouldn’t  be booking air flights on a complicated high-tech computer at her bed-time.

It made me think of Katharine Bushnell, protagonist of my two recent historical novels. Kate had to make her own travel arrangements to China, England, India,  Australia, New Zealand and the Far East,.  Each time she went in person to the office of the steamship company.   Often funds came in at the last minute. If you’ve read Daughters of Deliverance or The Queen’s Daughters,  you’ll admire her resilience and courage as I do.

I suspect there were times she wondered if she was making the right choices.  Her strong faith in God’s provision and direction enabled her to take risks for  Him. At 92 her body was growing weaker, but her keen mind was still sensitive to His call.  Finding her eulogy enabled me to add that crowning touch to her story.



An idea for the men on your list? What?

An idea for the men on your list? What?

This morning after church one of the young mothers stopped me in the hall to tell me, “My husband is reading your book and he really likes it”  We  discussed  the cover which she said was  “girly,” but the subject matter –“white slavery” (today’s trafficking)– is of interest to both male and female.

Before Daughters of Deliverance launched last December, I sent the PDF to my son  who is teaching overseas. (Sons are very direct and honest so I was a bit leery of what he might say.) He  remarked he really liked the book, but he thought that I was a bit hard on men, that there weren’t good men in the story.  I reminded him of Kate’s wise father, the contractor for the Evanston lighthouse, still standing today; or Senator Fitch who rallied the Wisconsin legislature  to pass a law against the den keepers;  or even David, the young medical student who wanted to ask her parents for permission to court her. My son  admitted there were some good men in the story, but that they were overshadowed by men like Blonger who ruled the streets of Chicago’s Hell’s Half Acre.  I still hear him say, “Mom, I didn’t think such things went on in the nineteenth century.”

I suspect few men will read Daughters of Deliverance,  or its sequel, The Queen’s Daughters,” launched this past September, because they think it’s about   girls.  And the main character is a woman, Katharine Bushnell, the historic heroine of the story. She was a famous activist against sex slavery and a  woman of prayer and obedience to God’s call on her life (sordid as it may seem at times.)

Two men have written endorsements for these books. Larry Andrews is the president of Partners International which, among other ministries, repatriates girls kidnapped into sex slavery.  Dr. Dan Rickett serves as executive vice president for She Is Safe.

Christmas is almost here.   Perhaps you could give one of the men in your life — husband, brother, son–a copy of Destined for Loyalty or The Queen’s Daughters.  Tell them they are based on the true story of a  woman in the nineteenth century who obeyed God and went through danger and hardship to rescue girls out of evil situations that are still going on today.
And, Oh yes, the books are available as Kindle ebooks in India and England!







This will make you weep! Read these statistics from She Is Safe which focuses  on Preventing,  Rescuing, and Restoring  young women around the world in danger of being trafficked:

  • 200 million girls are “missing” from the world today.
  • 98% of sex slaves are female. Demand is rising for younger girls.
  • 90% of poor families in India do not educate their girls.
  • 52 million girls under the age of 18 are forced to marry each year.

On the other hand:

  • Girls will invest 90% of what they earn back into their families.
  • Girls who are safe, free, equipped and know their God-given value will raise the next generations of boys and girls to be safe, free, educated and contributing.

For more information contact :

And to read the story of a committed, persistent woman risking her life and reputation to expose”white slavery” (trafficking) in the 19th century, read my recently released Daughters of Deliverance and The Queen’s Daughters