Category Archives: Thankfulness

How are your CoVid Days?

How are your CoVid Days?

Perhaps you’re wondering what it’s like living in a senior community during this CoVid-19? For the most part, we’ve been told to stay in our apartment 24/7; our meals are delivered every three days; mail put outside our doors every night, but no personal contact.

Yesterday I felt I had to exercise somewhere, so decided to do a “prayer walk.” I marched — well, roamed– from the living room, around the dining room table, down the hall to the study and over to look out the bedroom window, back to the bathroom and left to the living room. I was able to pray for a lot of people and places in thirty minutes– and felt refreshed in body and soul by the time I’d finished. Maybe tomorrow I’ll start out singing–only God could appreciate that.

I finally ordered a mask from our concierge service; it’s pale green with bright orange ties but it’s hard to breathe when wearing it. So far I haven’t needed it, since I haven’t ventured out for a walk. We are allowed to go outside, but must keep six feet apart and wear masks. I have to admit I’m feeling uncertain walking outside where there’s no railing to grab, or friend’s arm to hang on to. (This is what happens in year 93.)

It’s a unique experience, I grant you, but I have much to be thankful for. I’m well, content, busy and confident God is caring for me. My ever growing family keeps in touch through calls and texts. I love our WhatApp Family clan of about 35 member, where pictures, videos, jokes and answered prayers are shared.

These peaceful days also give me time to remember God’s care throughout my long life. Before we left for Africa in 1954, we attended a farewell service at my home church where they sang “God Will Take Care of You”. How many times have I sung that song over the years, whether attempting a new and expensive project, or facing the loss of my son or sweetheart? This stirring rendition of” God Will Take Care of You” has blessed me in recent weeks. Sit back and enjoy.

ouTube link or in a new tab)  

His promise held true then, and it will today. “He will not fail you or forsake you.” 1Chron. 28:20

How are your CoVid-19 days going?
