Monthly Archives: July 2019

World Human Trafficking Day

World Human Trafficking Day

The thought of a little girl kidnapped and sold into trafficking sends chills down my spine. I have twelve granddaughters and thirteen great-granddaughters (If I knew how, I would add all their pictures and let you see those sweet faces; their sparkling eyes, their joy when they see someone they love– their purity and the unlimited value of each life). How my heart would break if one of these precious ones ended up owned by a pimp and sold for sex.

This merciless, ugly, evil industry brings in $32 billion a year—more than drug trafficking today. We tend to think of it as something far away — like Thailand or India. And it is!! But author John W. Whitehead estimates that “at least 100,000 children — girls and boys — are bought and sold for sex in the U.S. every year, with as many as 300,000 children in danger of being trafficked each year. Some of these children are forcefully abducted, others are runaways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and acquaintances.”

Whenever you read this blog, let it remind you to pray:

  • for freedom for those held in slavery
  • for protection for vulnerable women and children
  • for wisdom for those who are seeking to stop this vile behavior
  • for financial provision for those for working to rescue and protect the endangered and unguarded targets.

My interest in this subject started when I began researching and writing about Katharine Bushnell. As a medical doctor in the 19th century she found herself on the streets of Chicago, helping woman, emotionally and physically beaten.

You can read about her in Daughters of Deliverance, available on Amazon.

The picture was taken in the Portland , Oregon airport where Aryanna and Atticus welcomed baby sister, Winnie, home after a week at Grandma’s.