Monthly Archives: May 2016

Password denied again!


Tonight I’m just warming up my blog with “writers’ bloc.”  Can you believe it took me forty-three minutes to think of a password complicated enough for WordPress to let me in? (They wouldn’t accept the one I designed last week.) Once I finished reading three websites on how to do it, all the ideas of writing about writing have left my mind.  Did you know that computers can roll through thousands of combinations of words and letters in the blink of an eye to figure out my secrets?  So why don’t I just use a password like Ilovelucy?

I’ve promised myself that I’ll write at least one blog a week– about anything that fancies my mind at ten fifteen at night.  Hopefully there’ll be more content — hopefully I won’t have been writing pages of password ideas first.

But I do still have one sharp, concise bit of information. My eleventh book, first historical novel and the product of almost ten years of serious research (I can write about serious things) will be coming out within six months. Can you wait that long? (I can’t!)

You’ll love this woman I’ve written about– a medical doctor, a writer, an advocate for women, courageous and persistent– investigating and exposing ‘trafficking’ in the 19th century.  Her name is Katharine Bushnell — Katie to me.

See you next week!



Miracle Blog


After many hours of trying combinations of new passwords with my old and my new email addresses, I finally got back into my own blog. Is there a symbol for tears of joy?

For a simple writer who knows little about technology, the last twenty four hours have been tense. I even lost sleep trying to figure out which combination of email addresses and blogs would work.  Finally this morning I accidentally — but really providentially– used the right two. And here I am (is there a symbol for flying high?)

Now I still have to figure out how to change my old email address to my new one — before May 31st when the old one dies.  There is nothing simple folks (oh pardon the Donald. Is there a symbol for thumbs down?

But before you give up on this inane post — watch for stories from my upcoming book Boundless , a novel based on the life of Dr. Katharine Bushnell.  She was quite a woman, investigating, reporting and rescuing girls caught in trafficking — in the 19th century.  Nice girls didn’t talk about such things then.