Category Archives: mother of five

Adding the dogs’ names


Well, I pulled a real goof the other day.  It reminds me of the days when I had five active youngsters in the house, and two dogs– sometimes with a litter of puppies.  Life was busy and I was often in a rush and inpatient — you know what it’s like to be a mother.

So now and then  I’d try to get Rodney’s  attention  and I’d start with, “Nathan–Mark–Randy–Sheila–Rodney.”  And one of the kids would laughingly add,”Shane– Floppy- Isipoogoo….”  Those were our dogs’ names.  It wasn’t really that bad, but they loved to catch me out.

So it must be the same thing with my books, which become like children while I’m working on them.  I just noticed that I pulled out the name of one of my favorite books – Destined For Royalty in place of Daughters of Deliverance, in my blog the other day. Can’t believe I just caught the mistake now!

Sorry about that. Just be glad I didn’t go through all the other nine books before I got to Daughters of Deliverance.

By the way, several have asked for signed copies of the book.  Contact me through my blog, give me your email address and I’ll let you know how to do that.