Monthly Archives: February 2019

Do free books bring in new readers?


I’m told that they do, but I have no statistics to prove it.

But free Kindle books did give you an opportunity to read Daughters of Deliverance last week; and The Queen’s Daughter, is free through February 19.

Trafficking, sexual slavery, and slave labor are big business today. One research estimates “sales” of $32 Billion. Praise God for the dozens of Christian organizations focused on education, skills training, freeing girls and women, and rehabilitating them today.

But in 1888, when Katharine Bushnell visited the brothels in the forests of northern Wisconsin, she risked her life and reputation. Decent women didn’t publicly speak of sex slavery and prostitution. After all, “those women were innately sinful.”

When Kate gave the report of her research before the Wisconsin legislature she was called a liar and accused of being unchaste (Daughters of Deliverance). Several years later she and her friend Bess carried on their brave investigation of the British military barracks in northern India (The Queen’s Daughters) , knowing they would be expelled if Lord Frederick Roberts, Commander-in-chief of the forces in India, discovered them.

Based closely on historical people and facts, these books introduce readers to Dr. Katharine Bushnell. They challenge women, young and old, to follow her example of dependence upon God for guidance and provision.*

*not food–money to pay for investigations and ship-travel around the world.

The important things.


Great reminder for all of us. A second thought, the background sometimes made the words difficult to read — but I figured them out’

living in hope

 “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the  Lord  be  praised”  Job 1 :21b

It was a beautiful winter morning. Cecil was sitting in the kitchen with his first coffee of the day, and staring out of the window. He loved mornings like this. The lawn was sparsely covered with a layer of frost, so thin the green of the grass was also poking through. The cold pale light from the early morning sun revealed itself from the hills on the distant horizon, casting an accusing glare through the mesh of winters denuded trees.

“The best time”, thought Cecil to himself as he picked up a note resting next to the phone. A list of hymns for the service this morning. Cecil was on the rota to play this Sunday. He liked the early mornings. He could drive to Crosham early and have a quick practice of the hymns before the service started.

The next step was to defrost the…

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Why do I still go to church?

Why do I still go to church?

I’ve been going to church for ninety years. Of course I don’t remember much of those early years, but I remember the store-front German Baptist church in my early childhood. It was there at age nine I accepted Christ as my Savior and was baptized.

And I ‘ve been attending church every since — in Milwaukee, Wis; Cicero, Illinois; Johannesburg, South Africa; San Jose California; Colorado Springs and now Highlands Ranch, Colorado;

I’ve been aware that many, especially millenials , don’t find it necessary or desirable to attend church. So I wondered, why at 91 do I still go to church?

Here’s what I scribbled down this afternoon:

This is how I feel about the church: I love to worship even though I can’t sing anymore; I love to praise the Lord alongside my friends and neighbors; I need to identify publicly with the Body of Christ—I want to be known as His follower; I am still learning new things from His Word and from others who have learned to walk closely with Jesus; I want to be prepared for the persecution which is growing even in our own country; I need to be strengthened  in my faith as I see others who are facing sorrow and testings remain strong.  I love the Church with all its warts because  “the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ who fills all things everywhere with himself.” Ephesians 1:23

How do you feel about the church?

 Almost forgot. Daughters of Deliverance is free on Amazon through 

February 19th.